IAS Products offers a broad range of feed systems, feed broadcasting, and feed monitoring control equipment designed to address the most extreme farm operating environments and requirements. Over 30 years of design and manufacturing expertise has gone into the creation of a diverse aquaculture equipment mix, ranging from small, mobile centrifugal blower style AeroSpreader™ dry pellet fish farm feeders, HydroSpreader™ subsurface water feed pellet feed delivery, to MiniMax™ centralized fish feeding systems using positive displacement blowers, cyclonics, and fish feed spinner broadcasting technologies.

Integrated Aqua Systems

IAS, also known as Integrated Aqua Systems, has been providing consulting, feeding equipment, and product services to most of the world’s largest aquaculture producers for nearly 40 years. As a full equipment design and manufacturing company, we offers a range of products to address the feed dispensing, feed loading, automation, lighting and monitoring to fin fish, prawn, and algae farms. IAS Products began its life by producing portable, hand-controlled, water-driven feed pellet broadcasters in response to the industry’s concerns over hand feeding, operator health and safety issues. Over the years, we have grown with the industry to provide an ever-expanding range of cost-effective feed delivery, broadcasting, monitoring and control systems, along with a full range of underwater lighting products. All of our equipment operate using proprietary PLC, wireless control networks, machine vision feed pellet video monitoring, and electronically controlled LED technologies.

Aquaculture Solutions

Our approach to product development is to design modules that allow us to mix-and-match individual component parts from one unit to another in order to build a complete feed delivery system, aeration system, or lighting system that better fits YOUR specific application. Though our products are presented here in catalogue form, do not simply select from what is available hoping it is a ready made solution. We encourage you to contact us with your farm’s unique requirements so that you can levy our knowledge to acquire a customized solution that will fit your current and future growing needs.

A Broad Range of Fish Farming Equipment and Shrimp Farming Equipment To Maximize Production

Our modular component design approach to all our aquaculture equipment, when applied to our full line of feeding equipment, sized from single 22 kg feed bags, 7+ metric tonne, and larger operating systems provides IAS Products with the necessary tools to mix and match components and systems to best address our customer’s farming needs.
